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Tell us what you think of the i.Play. Remember, you need to be logged in to make a comment. 


10 July 2018 - 8:43am

Mansfield forest road rec (aka spiderpark) requires repair please. ("turn" not working and some other sounds)

many thanks


10 July 2018 - 9:55am

Thank you for your comment. Forest Road Rec/Spider Park and its equipment are managed by Mansfield District Council, so they need to be made aware of this in the first instance. We can then arrange a date to attend the site as soon as possible, to rectify the problem. Thanks. 


7 May 2018 - 3:36pm

Iplay at Wes Park recreation ground Worthing Sussex does not work anymore


8 May 2018 - 4:24pm

Thank you for your comment. West Park and its equipment are managed by Adur and Worthing Council, so they need to be made aware of this in the first instance. We can then arrange a date to attend the site as soon as possible, to rectify the problem. Thanks. 


Callum and Cary...

27 October 2014 - 4:55pm

Man, that tired me out!
I love i.Play it's a great way to burn some calories. I had so much fun at Cripple Gate Park in Worcester this morning. My sister said "one more go" five times!!!!


28 October 2014 - 3:44pm

Hi Callum and Cary,

It's great to hear that you enjoyed playing on i.play, it really makes you want to play again and again doesn't it!

Keep up the good work and we can't wait for you to beat the top score!


Rachel (Playdale Playgrounds)


27 April 2014 - 11:56am


Great game, lots of fun.

FAULT: The speaker on the I-stamp control is not working in Mullingar Town Park. It would be great if this could be fixed.


28 April 2014 - 3:44pm

Hi cookiemgar

We are glad you enjoy the game! You will need to report the fault to the play area owner so that they can arrange for it to be repaired.

Kind regards,

Playdale Admin


6 April 2013 - 3:54pm

I play is really great. I just wish there was one in Girvan ,Scotland . And the stamp it in ayr needs to be fixed.


8 April 2013 - 10:35am

Hi rabbie73, thank you for letting us know about the i.stamp problem in Ayr. I have passed it on to our technical department who will investigate. We are glad that you enjoy playing on the i.play unit. Rachel


8 April 2013 - 12:18pm

Can you please build one in Girvan Beach Park (Scotland)?


10 April 2013 - 4:56pm

Hi Rabbie73, we would love to but we would need someone to order one first! Perhaps speak to your local council or whoever runs the park. Rachel


5 April 2013 - 5:25pm

Our score was 5681 i lost 1 life


20 February 2013 - 4:27pm

when i sent a score it said it has not been sent to the website.

me and my frend played it and we finished the game with out losseing a life.

if you know a way to help please reply.


21 February 2013 - 10:53am


A score normally takes 2 hours to show up on the
website. If you played late yesterday afternoon it should appear sometime this

Hope this helps!

Rachel (Playdale Playgrounds Ltd)


5 February 2012 - 8:40am

Just recorded my score for an Iplay single user game at Ballyronan Marina, can anyone in that area get a higher score? If you can, record it now and post a comment!


20 February 2013 - 4:17pm

our score was 2623.

we did not lose a life even once


25 July 2011 - 11:31am

Love it so much fun, just wish we had these in the Army 20 years ago!


14 June 2011 - 11:48pm

Just logged my score for the Iplay single User game on the Iplay unit at Mullingar Town Park, in advance of their Iplay competition, which is due to commence Thursday 16th June11 and will run through to Monday 27th June11.

The player with the highest score will be presented with an Iplay Touch 8GB

You have to be in to win! So make sure you play and log your score during the specified dates


7 March 2011 - 5:31pm

I see on some of the league tables that some of the high scores are over 10,000. My friend Hayley scored 2056 having completed level five (the last level in this game) and I reached 2586 having completed level five with no errors or misses. How do you score much higher?


14 June 2011 - 11:53pm

You need to move at a faster pace and engage the switches in as short a time frame as is possible, this will give you a higher score.

The faster you play the game the higher the score!


8 April 2011 - 3:56pm

Hi PeteC, the scores above 10,000 must have been achieved by more than one person playing at a time. We have since updated the software to eliminate this. We are considering updating the website to remove these high scores. We would consider a score around the 4000 mark to be a very good score. 


7 March 2011 - 5:30pm

Have never seen or heard of i-play until Saturday. Stumbled on the i-play in Kingsthorpe in Northampton.

Awesome! Only wish there was one closer to home (Kettering). Really enjoyable, a little frustrating and can't wait to take my daughter along to play on it!


2 January 2011 - 8:26pm

Iplay is very good sometimes i go to the rec near cowplan


24 December 2007 - 3:09pm

What a brillinat game! Lots of fun for all ages, and best of all it's one where we can get fitter at the same time. Kudos to Intellegent Play!


21 April 2008 - 9:09am

Hi Dylan,

If you upload your score on the website then it will verify it and appear in the league tables if correct. Good luck



19 April 2008 - 7:41pm

iplay is coooooool is it

if anyone knows how long it takes to get the scores on the league tables for my new local park


8 July 2008 - 12:04pm

iplay is the best! I have a go every morning when exercising my dog. I can show the children how to play. Made new friends. Not bad for a 68year old!! Any advance?


8 November 2008 - 3:30pm

i played iplay today for the first time i think it is Brillant !!!


19 February 2009 - 7:50pm

I played iplay on 18th February 2009 and i think it was great fun and i am going to play it on 20th February 2009 and of course i will play it more!!!!! :)


27 February 2009 - 6:16pm

i love iplay


17 April 2009 - 10:50pm

I played this at a park down at ayr and it was amazon i love it


22 December 2009 - 5:24pm

i went to the park and played it with my sister it was amazing but it was to far away from where i live will you be able to make one up at county hall, worcester ,england plz x